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Relieves Itchiness caused by insect and animal bites
• relieves itchiness from insect and animal bites, sprains, swelling and bruises
• treats swelling, burning sensation, rashes, relieves inflammation caused by insect and animal bites
• treats sprains, bruises from accidents
• treats the dizziness or fainting spells
• can be used in children without causing irritation
Clinacanthus nutans
- treats rashes and hives, allergy, inflammation, pain, swelling, insect and animal bites, irritation and burning sensation
Wintergreen oil (Methyl salicylate)
- improves blood circulation, used in hot massage as medicine for external use only
- relieves burning sensation, anesthetizes, and relieves the contraction of muscle
- dilates the skin pores to increase the absorption of medicine for external use, relieves effects of venom from insect bites, reduces bruise formation, refreshing scent
Eucalyptus oil
- stimulates breathing , dilates the trachea, treats colds and nasal congestion, improves blood circulation, relieves bruises and swelling, relaxes the muscles and tendons